Thursday, December 5, 2013

First Fly Tying Sunday at Bruegger's Bagels, Davenport, IA

    As long as the weather doesn't tank (& I hear it might), on this Sunday, Dec. 8, 2013, we're planning an experimental fly tying session from 2:30 until closing time at 6 pm or until folks decide to leave.  Java Java is not open on Sunday and not open past noon on Saturday, so I was hoping to find another tying spot in addition to our favorite coffee shop.

   All are welcome to come to Bruegger's Bagel Bakery, located at 1503 Kimberly Rd., Davenport, IA.  It is located across Locust St from Schnuck's grocery store, at the intersection of Locust St and Kimberly Rd.  You don't have to tie flies to join us.  If you are simply curious or have questions about fly fishing, come on out!

   The store manager gave permission for us to tie flies but I don't know if she really knew what I meant by this!  Of course, we are expected to buy some form of food or drink while there, so bring your thirst &/or an appetite.  The soup is quite good.

   If snow is blowing and drifting moderately or heavily, we will likely cancel & by 1 pm, I would plan to update this post to indicate that. Of course, one must assume I will have an internet connection to do so!
(*12/8/13: It's snowing but not blowing. Unless this dramatically changes, I think there will be at least 5-8 of us at Bruegger's)

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