Friday, February 17, 2012

Humility and the Fly

Humility is fly fishing’s best character-building lesson.  It is not a single experience which then becomes hosted by a distant memory, and soon forgotten.  Humility is a perfect loop, formed again and again, with a fly rod. 

Hope, confidence, ego, over-confidence spring up and then are stripped away by a few snags, a small wily fish, or a knot, poorly tied.  Humility appears; the great balancer.  It is the fertilizer we wade through that allows us to grow & casts us again and again, back to the fly rod with fresh humble eyes.
My time with the long rod has been short but the passion and the lesson have been long.  I yearn for the big fish, strong artistic casts, & the sharing of my yet-developed wisdom.  But none of these should be felt so deeply or appreciated so strongly without my fly fishing partner, Humility, returning always to my side. 


  1. Humilty, one of the best characteristics an individual can possess. Not being perfect, darn it, I strive to acquire this on a regular, consistent basis.

  2. So do I. It's a hard but good thing to acquire.


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