Friday, April 5, 2019

June 29, Rain Date!! K&K Casting Clinic in Bettendorf

The casting  clinic had been canceled due to rain. The new date for the clinic is June 29, 2019. Please contact K&K hardware for details!!!

Monday, March 11, 2019

Brule 22. Our PB & J

   In 2008 I hired a guide and fly fished for the first time, falling in love with fly fishing, doing something that's kept me humble, taken me on adventures, introduced me to so many nice people, and given me joy. My guide also became my mentor and a great friend.

   I re-hired him in June 2017 to repeat that Wisconsin Bois Brule River guided trip of June 2008. "Can you drift that dry under that overhanging Cedar?" Yes, now I can. "Keep doing it...Again." Bam! Then finesse a 22" brown trout, attempting to keep my excitement in check, so my guide, mentor, and friend Ouitdee of Arrowhead Fly Angler could hand-land OUR personal best Brule River native brown on that lovely river of presidents!

   PB&J. Personal Best & Joy.